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Favorite Tools

Note: Nancy uses this page for presentations on her favorite Google features. You can find more information about these features in other sections of Google Guide.
All of the tools listed below have been discontinued.

Enter a query even if Google’s home page isn’t in your browser.

Toolbar - toolbar.google.com/ (Internet Explorer)

A screen shot of Google's Toolbar

Firefox Toolbar - toolbar.google.com/firefox/ (Firefox)

A screen shot of Google's Toolbar

Googlebar - googlebar.mozdev.org/ (Mozilla and Netscape)

A screen shot of the Mozilla's Googlebar

Safari web browser (Macintosh OS X)

My favorite Toolbar features include

Feature What it can do
Search Box Access Google’s search technology from your browser toolbar.
Highlight Highlight terms on the current page.
Pop-up Blocker Stop annoying pop-up windows (new in version 2.0 of Toolbar).

Browser Buttons - www.google.com/options/buttons.html

I often search using Google browser buttons when I don’t have access to a Google Toolbar or Deskbar.

It's easy to install buttons for searching Google

Copyright © 2003 Google Inc. Used with permission.

tags (keywords): ,

This page was last modified on: Friday February 2, 2007

For Google tips, tricks, & how Google works, visit Google Guide at www.GoogleGuide.com. Google Guide is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Google.

Creative Commons

By Nancy Blachman and Jerry Peek who aren't Google employees. For permission to copy & create derivative works, visit Google Guide's Creative Commons License webpage.